Los Angeles Spinal Cord Injury Attorney
It is a common misconception that spine injuries only cause back pain but this is not the case. While your spinal column is both strong and flexible, it is not meant to withstand traumatic forces which often result from an accident.
The spinal column protects the spinal cord which stems from the brain. There are multiple levels of your spinal column, and at each level are windows called foramina through which nerves extend from your spinal cord to your limbs. An injury to your spine can cause your foramina to close on the nearby nerves.
Spinal injuries are difficult to evaluate. Emergency medical providers often rely solely on x-rays to evaluate complaints of pain. X-rays are reliable for diagnosing broken bones but do not show injuries to the discs or nerves. That is why it is necessary for you to be seen by a spinal specialist who is able to perform a variety of tests to determine the extent of your injury and refer you for an MRI which takes a closer look at your spine than what an X-ray can show.
Spinal injuries can be debilitating but often times initially underestimated by the injured person. What you might think is a relatively minor injury that will heal in a matter of days or weeks can actually persist for months or years. It is important that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible following a traumatic event that causes pain anywhere in your spine.
The spinal cord controls the function of your entire body and an injury should not be taken lightly. There are many treatments that a medical provider may recommend for a spinal cord injury and your chances of recovery are increased if the complaints are addressed shortly after the accident.
The injury lawyers at Moaddel Kremer have handled hundreds if not thousands of spinal injury cases. We will be able to direct you and ensure that you receive the medical treatment that you need. We will also act on your behalf to vigorously pursue the responsible party for your accident and obtain just compensation for your injuries.
Call the attorneys at Moaddel Kremer for a free consultation today at +1 (844)-662-3335.
We make it painless.
Because you’ve already experienced enough pain. We’re the antidote to all of that: smart, efficient and dedicated to ensuring you get what you deserve.